Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Future Adaptation of the Utah Ski and Snowboard Industry

With constantly changing weather patterns, areas worldwide are having to learn how to adapt to different and more extreme situations year after year.  Adaption to these changes includes not only addressing the climate issues that we are facing now but also planning for and implementing changes that will help curb the impact of climate change in the future.  According to an article on global climate change, “The goal is to reduce our vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change - like sea-level encroachment, more intense extreme weather events or food insecurity”. (“Global climate change adaptation and mitigation”, 2018)  It is crucial to recognize that changes to our current climate have and will continue to affect us on a global level.
As changes take place and my awareness grows, I am shocked by the impact that climate change has and will have on the ski and snowboard industry in Utah.  It was stated in an article on the impacts of climate change that lengths for winter recreation activities will decline at nearly all sites in the CONUS under the considered future climate scenarios. (Projected climate change impacts on skiing and snowmobiling, 2017)  Shorter, warmer seasons are going to not only reduce the amount of time that resorts will be open, but they will also cause our economy to take a hit.  While I recognize that changes are occurring to slow the rate of climate change, I worry about the impact that it is going to have not only in our state but globally.
In reading about the impact that warmer temperatures and shorter winters will have on Utah, I was happy to see that the state is pushing for changes to be made.  A quote from Senator Whitehouse said, “these Utahns see the effects of climate change every winter and are doing impressive work to adapt to the changing conditions and reduce their industry’s carbon footprint.  We need to continue to push leaders in Utah and Washington to follow their lead and act on climate.” (“Scientists predict climate change to impact Utah ski industry”, 2017)  I am optimistic that with a shared understanding of the need to reduce our carbon footprint, we can at least minimize future effects.
Previously, I have recognized the impacts to my recreational life as things change, but have neglected to really look into the economic benefit that the skiing and snowboarding industry has in Utah.  “According to Ski Utah, a marketing firm owned and operated by the 14 ski resorts located in Utah, skiing contributes $1.29 billion to Utah’s economy and creates 20,000 jobs for the state.” (“Scientists predict climate change to impact Utah ski industry”, 2017)  With numbers such as that, the detriment that continued climate change will have on Utah is scary.  Tourism will decrease and the possibility that taxes will increase is great. If we can’t turn things around, Utah could see a large decline in the economy, especially in the winter season.
The ski and snowboard industry relies very heavily on snowfall and colder temperatures.  Even options such as making artificial snow requires that temperatures be low enough to prevent it from immediately melting.  It’s my opinion that climate change in Utah is a topic that should be discussed in detail and that we should work to raise awareness around it.  If it’s understood what an impact that changing climate will have on us, my hope would be that we could work together to put more preventative measures into place.  Together, we can make a difference.
Works Cited
Global climate change adaptation and mitigation. (2018, February 08). Retrieved from
Scientists predict climate change to impact Utah ski industry. (2017, January 12). Retrieved from
Projected climate change impacts on skiing and snowmobiling: A case study of the United States. (2017, May 03). Retrieved from